A Lesson on Rogue Economics with Loretta Napoleoni

2012-02-01 2

A Lesson on Rogue Economics with Loretta Napoleoni
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Melbourne Writers Festival
Loretta Napoleoni makes the case that terrorist groups are filled not so much with ideological zealots as cold, calculating economists who are more akin to investment bankers. Using insider access to terror networks and an economic analysis of "terror" finance, she has followed the money trail that has allowed terrorist cells to flourish well before 9/11.In her address at the Melbourne Writers' Festival, Napoleoni discusses the difficulties of tracking terrorist cash, which doesn't officially become dirty money until it's used for dirty purposes. She also argues that instead of funding the wars supposedly aimed at spreading democracy, the West should focus on ending the bankrolling of terrorism.Napoleoni was joined by RMIT's Professor of Globalisation and Cultural Diversity, Paul James.