Leading Hong Kong Democracy Activist Dies of Lung Cancer

2011-01-05 41

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Many in Hong Kong are mourning the death of democracy activist Szeto Wah. He died on Sunday, January 2nd from lung cancer. He was 79 years old.

After a year of battling lung cancer, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Szeto Wah died on Sunday, January 2nd at age 79.

Often referred to as "Uncle Wah," Mr. Szeto was a teacher, a politician, and an activist who tried to further the cause of Democracy in Hong Kong.

He's probably most remembered for his long fight to see the Chinese Communist Party held responsible for the infamous Tiananmen Massacre—where the People's Liberation Army shot and killed thousands of unarmed civilian protesters on June 4th, 1989.

Every year, Mr. Szeto held candle light vigils to commemorate the massacre with tens of thousands of supporters.

Students at Mr. Szeto's alma mater, Queen's College observed a minute of silence in his honor.

At locations around Hong Kong, mourners signed books of condolences and shared their thoughts about the man and his life.

[Margaret Ng, HK Lawmaker]:
"In his long life, he had done and given everything to promote democracy, and not just democracy, but from the grass roots."

The CCP regime in China still refuses to recognize the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre, and outlaws any mention of it, but Szeto's followers say they will continue his cause.

"I think vindication of the June 4 Tiananmen Massacre and fighting for democracy was his whole life's wish. But I think many people will continue to fight for this unfinished wish. And I think one day Uncle Wah in heaven will be very happy to see his wish realized."

Szeto had reportedly requested some of his ashes to be scattered over Hong Kong waters so they would return to the mainland, which he had not visited since 1989.

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