Wild Oats Confirmed Winner, Sydney-Hobart Yacht Classic

2010-12-31 295

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Wild Oats XI outsailed the opposition in the Sydney-Hobart Yacht race to cross the line first. But they could only claim provisional winner status owing to a protest. But all is well as the protest was dismissed and now the crew gets ready for some serious celebrating.

Wild Oats XI (PRON 11) was confirmed as the line winner of the 2010 Sydney to Hobart blue water classic on Wednesday after a protest was dismissed by the race committee.

The maxi yacht, skippered by Australian Mark Richards, crossed the line first in the Tasmanian capital for the fifth time in six years on Tuesday evening but was declared only provisional winner.

A protest had been launched earlier in the race after it was alleged that the crew had failed to alert their position by high frequency radio before entering the stormy Bass Strait.

Richards was delighted and relieved by the decision made by the race committee.

[Mark Richards, Skipper, Wild Oats]:
"You know, just like crossing the line yesterday, a fantastic feeling of relief ... It's a big job and this was a tough Hobart and the Wild Oats team did a fantastic job and everyone's done a fantastic job and it's a great result for us."

The radio rule was introduced after a major storm sank five boats and killed six sailors in the race 12 years ago.