Expired Beverages Seized from PepsiCo in Northern India

2010-12-29 299

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A PepsiCo warehouse was raided by food safety officials in India's Uttar Pradesh state Monday. They seized a massive stock of expired beverages. Here's more.

Food officials seized a massive stock of expired beverages in a raid at a warehouse of PepsiCo in Gorakhpur city on Monday.

Officials seized around 800 crates of beverages, well beyond their expiration date.

[Ajit Mishra, Food Inspector]:
"We saw many crates and boxes containing bottled beverages whose expiry dates have long passed. These have been placed among crates marked saleable stocks. In many of the crates, several invalid beverage bottles were also found."

The seized beverages include brands such as Miranda and Dew, and nearly 10,000 bottles of Pepsi.

Officials say the expired bottles could have been dangerous for consumers to drink.

However, PepsiCo officials dismissed the allegations.

[Vijender Shukla, PepsiCo Official]:
"Due to environmental concerns, we do not drain out our invalid stocks in the open. We have a system established to discard our stocks, and it follows company rules. We had kept these expired beverages in the warehouse as they were to be sent to the company soon for being discarded."

State authorities have initiated investigations into the matter.

PepsiCo manufactures, markets and sells a variety of foods and beverages worldwide.