Palestinians clash with Israeli soldiers

2010-12-27 1,015

Scuffles have erupted between Israeli soldiers and pro-Palestinian demonstrators who tried to breach a West Bank checkpoint.

Several hundred protesters arrived at the checkpoint chanting and waving flags, but as soon as they tried to march through the checkpoint, Israeli soldiers began firing tear gas canisters.

At least one protester was injured.

Weekly demonstrations take place in several areas in the West Bank to protest against Israel's security barrier.

Palestinians condemn the project for looping around settlement blocs in the West Bank, where they want to set up a state.

A non-binding ruling by the World Court in 2004, which Israel rejected, said the barrier was illegal. Israel says the project could be demolished altogether should peace prevail.

The prospects of that happening look dim given the diplomatic deadlock over Israel's refusal to halt all settlement construction as well as the Palestinians' internal divisions.

The barrier has also drawn other international condemnation. Even Israel's main ally, the United States, has called it unhelpful.

Human rights groups say the barrier has effectively isolated some 60,500 Palestinians from the rest of the West Bank, and thousands more live in villages surrounded on at least three sides by the barricades, which restricts their ability to move around.

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