Indonesian Special Forces Conduct Anti-Terror Drills

2010-12-22 1

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Indonesia's military conducted a joint exercise over the weekend to prepare for a possible terror attack in the region. Various situations were set up to develop the forces' experience and foster leadership talents just in case of an attack.

Indonesia Special Forces conducted an anti-terror joint exercise on Sunday at three different locations in Banten Province on Java Island. It's part of an effort to improve counter-terrorism capabilities.

The exercise mobilized about 200 participants from the navy, air force and Special Forces.

[Lt. Gen. Nur Muis, Chief of Joint Exercise]:
"Our objective is to enhance the capabilities of our special forces from three-dimensions—from the navy, air force and Special Forces to be ready to perform tasks required by the country, especially tasks related to the prevention of terrorism."

Authorities say the aim of the drill is to make sure the Special Forces are ready in case of a possible terror attack and to improve the speed of response.

[Lt. Gen. Nur Muis, Chief of Joint Exercise]:
"This exercise is also to evaluate and to make a real operation plan, and I hope we are ready for the real situation."

Participants from the Special Forces took part in various role play situations, where they had to free hostages from a tanker ship and a government building that had been hijacked.

The joint exercise is also aimed at increasing leadership skills in the event of a real attack.

Indonesian Special Forces have also held joint exercises with neighboring countries to gain international experience.