Does anyone know how to remove a Tonsil stone without having

2010-12-22 147

Does anyone know how to remove a Tonsil stone without having to buy costly medicines to do it?

Tonsil stones are gravelly deposits on your rear mouth caused due to various factors.

It might be due to accumulation of oral bacteria or buildup of post nasal drips.

It doesn’t create a blemish to your physical well being, the foul smell that it emanates could create a bad image about you.

Some people try to use their hands to press against the deposit to pop out, but it involves the risk of the deposit being pushed back.

Various antibacterial mouthwashes are available which kills the bacteria that are accumulated inside the pockets.

You can make use of the back of your toothbrush to press against the stones.

Consume copious amount of water to keep your body hydrated.

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