Nike 6.0 Roundhouse, Week 5 I ‘WHAT’S HOT?’

2010-12-21 17

As we stroll into the 5th week of the Roundhouse, Nike 6.0’s ultimate European surf destination for the summer, we’ve taken a quick look at one of the most talented and busiest surf photographers on the circuit.

Alex Laurel is often touted as possibly having one of the best jobs in the game and currently has an exhibition in the Roundhouse that will run the entire summer, displaying some of his personal favorite images from around the world. Just how good is his job?

Check out week 5’s video where we see his recent trip with Charly Martin and Naum Ildefonse down Mexico way, alternatively just ask what colour his frequent flyer card is and decide for yourself.

Nike 6.0 Roundhouse, Week 5 I ‘WHAT’S HOT?’

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