Mexican Oil Pipeline Explodes

2010-12-20 128

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An oil pipeline exploded before dawn in central Mexico, killing 22. Authorities suspect an illegal tap might have sparked the explosion.

An oil pipeline exploded in central Mexico on Sunday, creating a "river of fire" and killing 22 people.

The pipeline maintained by state oil monopoly Pemex exploded just before 6 a.m. in San Martin Texmelucan, a small community in the state of Puebla about 50 miles east of Mexico City.

The streets were "flooded with fuel" that became a "river of fire."

The explosion killed 22 people and injured 32. It also destroyed 32 houses and damaged dozens more.

An illegal fuel tap is suspected as a possible cause. The incident is now under control.

The explosion occurred in a residential neighborhood, which is not near major oil refining or transportation facilities.

There were charred vehicles, burned-out homes and a cloud of thick, black smoke was seen over the accident site just after dawn.

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