Tight Hamstrings, Back Pain and balance problems helped ...

2010-12-20 145

James is a master trainer with Tony Robbins and has an opportunity to experience many healers and chiropractors. He found Dr. John Lieurance to utilize NeuroCranial Restructuring and Functional Neurology and his conditions was helped with only 4 days. Dr. Lieurance enjoys treating vertigo, BBPV, Meniers disease, deviated septums, sinusitis, snoring, sleep apnea, balance problems, migraine headaches, TMJ, facial pain, and more. He pracices in Sarasota, Florida and also Palatka near Jacksonville and St. Augustine. He can be reached at 941 330-8553. His web site is www.advancedwellness.us and e-mail drj@advancedwellness.us.