Moscows School of Santa Claus Teaches Children Magic Lessons

2010-12-16 251

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"The Moscow School of Santa Claus" has been opened in the Russian capital for several weeks. It will accept applicants who want to be fairy-tale heroes in New Year's performances. Our Russian correspondents visited the school for details.

The Moscow School of Santa Claus holds unusual lessons before the arrival of the New Year.

Those who want to become fairy-tale characters come here to learn the ways of Santa's Little Helpers, the Snow Maiden, or even Baba Yaga.

Most teachers come from schools, but there are also some enthusiastic volunteers.

[Santa Claus]:
"Reading and writing. They open the hearts of novice Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, and they open kindness in their souls. Because there is no really holiday without kindness."

Santa Claus said that in his school there are pupils who get excellent marks and also those who get thirds.

Students pass the exams after completing the lessons.

The jury is not very strict, because all the judges are children.

[Sasha Petrov, Juror]:
"It's a jury of children, because children look at life and Santa Claus, in an entirely different way than adults do. And it is easier for them to evaluate Santa Claus."

The crucial moment comes after the newcomer magicians learn the history of the Russian Santa Claus.

They will learn to act, dance at the Christmas tree, and apply stage makeup.

White eyebrows, red nose, beard, fur coat, and of course, gloves.

This Santa Claus is ready to greet children.

"Dear children! I wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, health and love! To get only fives, respect your parents, grandparents and friends! Happy New Year! "

Of course, it was a rehearsal. But some students have already applied the knowledge gained in the classroom, in their daily work.

This is the eleventh year of graduations for the School of Santa Claus.

But now the bell for the magic lessons is calling these future storytellers.

NTD News, Moscow, Russia