SO Monkey Twin Flames Ascension

2010-12-16 402

SO_Monkey mirrors in real time SO_Chameleon's
set of frequencies.
Twin Flames Ascension

33&9Hz Christ Consciousness, hypersensitivity, pyramid frequency (inside), 9Hz pyramid frequency (outside)

35Hz awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras

0.4Hz confusion

126.22Hz centering of magic and of the transcendental

32Hz desensitizer, enhanced vigor and alertness

40&22Hz psychic healing

6.26-6.6Hz hemispheric desync, confusion, anxiety, low reaction time,depression, insomnia

105Hz overall view of complete situation

852Hz return to spiritual order

12Hz centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster

40Hz dominant when problem solving

183.58Hz creative power


Magic Window frequency.

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