Today, many of us have become accustomed to building windmills or motorway tunnels for frogs. It is time we asked ourselves seriously: what is infrastructure? Why, as we shall see, is it imperative to think about increasing the energy-flux-density employed by society? And therefore, is it enough simply to slap some project out in the wilderness, for it to be infrastructure in any useful sense of the term? Indeed, the IMF has driven many third world countries into debt-slavery using this very method!
So, why don’t we go about really developing the world rigorously, such that 7 billion people and far beyond can live in dignity!
Just think: Did mankind ever not use any technology or infrastructure at all? Have we humans not always made discoveries of the principles of nature and the universe, and put those to work in revolutionizing society?
Daniel Grasenack-Tente presents this new video on the World Landbridge program.
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