Assange prepares for another night behind bars

2010-12-14 78

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is still behind bars as his legal team prepares for another court battle to secure his release on bail.

A judge decided to free the whistleblower after supporters agreed to post a £200,000 cash deposit. But in chaotic scenes the decision was overridden two hours later when Swedish authorities appealed.

The appeal against bail for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will now be heard on Thursday, High Court officials said.

The 39-year-old Australian is being held at Wandsworth prison in south-west London, in solitary confinement.

He will appear at the High Court within two days where a more senior judge will consider the appeal and whether to overturn the bail decision.

Speaking on the steps of City of Westminster Magistrates' Court, Assange's lawyer Mark Stephens attacked the Swedish authorities.

He said: "They clearly will not spare any expense to keep Mr Assange in jail. This is really turning into a show trial."

Assange is wanted in Sweden over claims he sexually assaulted two women during a visit to Stockholm in August.

But his supporters claim the criminal inquiry and extradition request is unfair and politically motivated.

The former computer hacker is behind the release of hundreds of United States diplomatic cables that have caused global uproar.

Assange was denied bail at his first court appearance last week on the grounds he could flee the country.