Super Mario Land 2 speed run in 32:06

2006-09-30 13

Author's comments:
I am probably the last person that people expected to do a Mario speedrun, since I generally prefer to take games that are slightly less popular. However, I've had this game for a whopping 12 years, so I felt it was only natural that I attempt to speedrun it myself. For a while, I had to practice on a Game Boy, since I didn't own a Game Boy Player. Once I finally got the Game Boy Player (referred to hereafter as GBP), this took about two days to finish up - it would have taken less time, but I insisted on a no-death run, as I figured that would be one of a few ways I could really impress people with this game. Precisely, the successful run was the second attempt on the day after I got the GBP - as you might notice, I was hardly able to wait. By the way, I am what seems to be one of just a few people that can actually tolerate using the Gamecube controller for Game Boy games, despite having to hold it oddly so I wouldn't hit the L button (which would stretch the screen, making the run look just plain ugly).

This run was done with very little outside help. However, I would like to thank blaat - an emulator-based run (which was not a TAS, actually) that he did helped me with some strategies.

Rather than go level-by-level on the comments, I'll be a bit more generic about stuff this time. My general strategy is to have Fire power for the bosses and Bunny power (why haven't I seen Bunny power in any other Mario game?) for the stages. Fire obliterates most bosses, while Bunny power often makes stages at least 5 times easier. I try to do some impressive jump tricks whenever the opportunity presents itself, in order to keep any viewers entertained. I do take damage quite a bit - not all of it is intentional, but since you're invincible for about three or four seconds after taking a hit, there is intentional damage in several spots. Lastly, if you're observant, you'll notice I fall very little with Bunny power in some spots. Well, if you mash the A button fast enough, you can go without falling at all. Sadly, I can only keep this up for so long before my thumb decides to stop working that fast. Also, you don't lose speed if you let go of the B button in midair until you land (by the same token, if you jump going slow, you can't speed up until you've landed).