Chinese Regime Ups Pressure on Nobel Peace Prize Winner

2010-12-10 49

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This year's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony will take place in Oslo, Norway on Friday. But the winner of the prize, Liu Xiaobo will not attend. Liu is still in prison in China and authorities have stopped Liu's family and friends from leaving the country to collect the prize on his behalf.

The first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo should be attending the award ceremony in Oslo, Norway on Friday. Instead, he's serving an eleven-year prison sentence for subversion in Liaoning province, China.

The Chinese Communist Regime has mounted what the Nobel Committee is calling an "unprecedented campaign" to keep foreign countries' representatives from attending the ceremony.

And since Liu was awarded the prize, the Chinese regime has also increased its control on dissent.

[Tang Jitian, Rights Lawyer, Beijing]:
"After Liu Xiaobo won the award, you could say that the control of lawyers and rights activists has been unprecedentedly strict. It has never been like this before."

Magazine editor Tie Liu signed a petition in October calling on authorities to release Liu. In an interview he talks about how police arrested people for celebrating Liu's prize. Authorities have since warned him not to accept any more interviews.

[Tie Liu, "Scars of the Past" Magazine Editor]:
"They didn't give the prize to Liu Xiaobo, they gave it to the people of China, to people who seek democracy and freedom. That's why there's now this big mess. You know, the day that Liu Xiaobo got the prize, everyone was calling each other to go out and eat, but I said I wouldn't go, I knew they would detain people. And on that night the police detained 40 people."

Liu Xiaobo's wife Liu Xia is believed to be under house arrest in her Beijing apartment. Another Chinese imprisoned activist, Hu Jia and his wife Zeng Jinyan have been in and out of house arrest for years. Zeng is a close friend of Liu's wife Liu Xia.

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