Dec 09 - Homily: Juan Diego the Baptist of Mexico

2010-12-09 29

On the fest day of St Juan Diego Fr. Bonaventure preaches on the Gospel that calls John the Baptist the greatest man born of a woman, that is, of the old dispensation and he was the precursor of the Messiah and prepared his people for the new dispensation. Juan Diego also was a transitional saint who ushered in the new era of Christianity to Mexico bringing an end to the culture of death in the Aztec empire where human sacrifice was the daily norm. May the prayers of Juan Diego bring a similar end to the culture of death in our modern world.
Ave Maria! Mass: St. Juan Diego - Optnl Memorial - Form: OF Readings: Thursday in the 2nd Week in Advent 1st: isa 41:13-20 Resp: psa 145:1, 9, 10-11, 12-13 Gsp: mat 11:11-15
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