Raj Patel - Maitreya - The Antichrist - The Dajjal - Part 31

2010-11-30 13

The episode 31 is to warn you about the Greatest Deception ever known in Human History: The coming UFO Mass Landing is all fake and is 100% staged in order to make the people believe that the Aliens/UFOs are from Outer Space, whereas they are terrestrials.

The Aliens are also known under the names of Jinns/Spirits/Devils/Demons/Fallen Angels/Shapeshifters, they are Master of illusion, Masters of lying, Masters of Deception. Their head is Satan/Iblis/Lucifer.

The principal Lieutenant of Satan on Earth is Raj Patel, aka Maitreya, the Antichrist, the Dajjal.

The Governments and the media are under the control of the devils for long. Since October 13,2010, the devils have launched what they call the "UFO Disclosure", they will simulate a huge UFO landing, the truth is that these Jinns/Aliens/Devils are Masters of illusion, the goal is to definitely lose us by claiming to be gods and that we are gods too.