I. Kaz Dağları Geleneksel Okçuluk Müsabakası

2010-11-20 2,655

The video is about the "I. Kaz Dağları Geleneksel Okçuluk Müsabakası", an international competition of traditional archery in Havran, Balikesir. Organised by Havran Governor, Tirendaz Archers and Kayseri Mounted Archery Club the event has become a 2-day festival with the contribution of handcraftsmen, folk dancing groups and several societies. First day of the event there was archery competitions and in the following day mounted archers from Sivas, Uşak and Kayseri as well as Tirendaz Archers from Istanbul put their demostrations onto stage. The competition was enriched by the participation of several competitors from abroad: Hungary, Czech, Germany, France and Iran. People from Havran and around came to see the event and there was a remarkable media coverage too. Thanks to Moonlight Film Production that made the clip to keep our memories live.