AndreasChoice has a video where she explains what she does to diet, lose weight, and stay her current size. Some of the rules are: get motivated, stay on schedule, exercise, do not confuse hunger with thirst, drink water, and keep track. My goal weight is 115 but I am currently around 131. You can help me keep track. Then I have a rant about HartzProductions, another Youtuber, who was rude to me in his own comments. He is s true troll. I have to stay subscribed to 5AwesomeGays because I love the rest of 5AG, but I def unsubscribed to his main channel HartzProductions. Then I baked french fries, or I burned them. What you need to 2 Idaho Potatoes, oil, and seasoning. I would set the oven to 400 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.