Improve Vertical Leaping - Jump Higher in 2 weeks

2010-11-19 412
How can you really guarantee me 10 inches in 12 weeks?

People who tell you that 10 inches in 12 weeks is not possible are not familiar with all the methods at their disposal for increasing vertical jump explosion. That being said, there are exceptions...To this day I have not had one person complete this training and not be 100% satisfied with the results. Results are the only cure to an unbelieving athlete.

People are prone to thinking that because they have tried and failed with many different techniques, that they cannot possibly increase their vertical. This is a common attitude of those who have put much effort and still failed. It is more comforting to think that there is no solution then to think they have been wasting their time with improper techniques. These techniques work. Research proves it, individual case studies prove it, and every week athletes are putting it to the test.

How to increase vertical and jump higherOf course t