WordPress Tutorial - MySQL Databases – WordPressTutorials.

2010-11-17 114

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cPanel is an industry leader in web hosting administration and has become a control panel of choice for plenty of web hosting resellers. But not all web hosting companies provide their users with this cpanel technology. cPanel is widely recognized as being one of the best control panels in the world. It is recommended to any type of user: from complete beginners to the most advanced users. Whatever your web hosting knowledge is, cPanel hosting is a control panel of choice!
cPanel hosting is very easy to use and can help webmasters manage their hosting with much ease. It is not only easy to use but also easy to learn. cPanel users can set up FTP accounts and MySQL databases in just a click of a mouse, add or remove domain names and email accounts, etc. Industry experts say that cPanel hosting has changed the way we use web hosting. The cpanel technology has allowed non techie person and businesses