United Kingdom Talk LIVE Tuesday 16th November 2010

2010-11-16 47

Tuesday's edition of my three times a week LIVE talk show.Watch
or listen to the show LIVE at 11.00am UK time on Tuesday's & Thursday's, & 3pm UK time on Saturday's at :

In today's show :

* Katie is now an IAMS cat.
* He tries to put me off.
* They don't get listened to.
* Deer.
* It's all mish mash.
* Stacks of tapes.
* Latin.
* Gary likes the clock.
* Could you be a sales person ?
* How happy are you ?
* Cooked chicken for Molly.
* Try one of my non stop music mixes. Download from :
* http://www.chrisreardon.co.uk . 80p.
* Is there anything I can do to make you happier ?
* The last bus I went on.
* Am I a miserable old git ?
* Ron gets annoyed a lot.
* A lonely job.
* Fluffy. Millies dog.
* A non swearing person.
* Pets know when there's something wrong.
* Soul destroying.
* Biscuits and pouches.
* A very large lady.
* I hate house building works.
* It's rare you get a response from radio jobs.
* Mess everywhere.
* Salt is very bad for animals.

Email the show : chris@unitedkingdomtalk.co.uk

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