Thousands Rally Against G20 Summit in Seoul, South Korea

2010-11-12 102

Meanwhile, outside that G20 summit in Seoul, thousands rallied at a protest. They're angry at the G20 for not taking responsibility for the global financial crisis. Authorities ramped up security to deal with the protestors.

About 10,000 South Korean workers and civic group members held an anti-G20 rally on Thursday as leaders of the G20 gather in Seoul to discuss global issues.

[Kim Young-hoo, Protest Leader]:
"The G20 is not taking responsibility for causing financial crisis... Instead, they try to pass the burden of the global financial crisis over to the general public, so we criticize them."

Thousands of riot police were deployed throughout the city and were well equipped to deal with the protesters.

Protesters chanted anti-G20 and anti-government slogans while raising their fists.

The protesters took to the streets but were held back by the riot police before the march began.

The protests did not turn violent, although demonstrators did set fire to a paper coffin covered in anti-G20 and free trade slogans.

The confederation of 83 civic groups was formed recently to stage the anti-G20 rallies.

The G20 meetings are due to take place from November 11-12.

South Korean authorities have ramped up security for the G20 summit with 10,000 participants, including 32 heads of government and leaders of international organizations, expected in Seoul.

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