New Facebook Bejeweled Blitz Cheat , hack NOV 2010 , ...

2010-11-10 382

Download File: If "nothing happens" when you click on "Install Extension", look for the yellow bar at the top of the page. Don't forget to restart Firefox after installing the extension. Some people report that they had to restart their computer to get the extension to work. After installing the extension, you'll know if it works by opening the game's page on Facebook. You should get something completely different instead of the game. If it doesn't work, first try clearing your browser's cache. The extension won't work if you use a proxy to browse the web. The extension might also not work if you're behind a firewall which blocks certain ports (8001 in this case). This is common for school/university/corporate networks. If the game doesn't load at all after you install my extension, you can be sure that this is the case for you. If the extension doesn't work (has no effect) no matter what, another extension or a Firefox setting might be causing the problem. Try installing the extension in a new Firefox profile. There is a limit on how many coins you can get in one go. See here for more information. If you get errors or other problems with the game, first check if they are gone before disabling the extension. PopCap's servers aren't bulletproof, and may have some issues periodically. If the problem persists after uninstalling the extension, then it's not the extension's fault. To uninstall the extension (same as with any other Firefox extension), go to Tools → Add-ons. See here for more information. Note that you'll probably need to clear your cache to get your browser to reload the original game files from PopCap's website. Note that this extension doesn't add a toolbar or anything. Ignore any guides that mention GreaseMonkey, UserScript or JavaScript files, as they are outdated. If you see a non-working toolbar, it's from the old UserScript, and you should uninstall it from GreaseMonkey. Likewise, ignore guides that mention cheats that allow you to ...