Everyone has aspirations and dreams they want to achieve but many people don’t follow through because of fear. There are three main fears that stop people from achieving the lifestyles they want: 1. Fear of Rejection Take the classic example of the guy who meets a beautiful girl. He really wants to ask her out but the fear of rejection is too strong and he misses out. Another example is writers who write stories or books but they never submit them for publication for fear of rejection. 2. Fear of Failure Some people have such a fear of failure they won’t even start something or initiate a venture in case it fails. There are thousands of people with fantastic ideas for starting a business, but who never take the first step because of the fear of failure. Similarly, there are thousands of people who know they need a radical lifestyle change but they fear the change will lead to failure. 3. Fear of the Unknown There are numerous people who are working in jobs or careers they don’t like but they won’t make a change because of a fear of the unknown. In order to create your Perfect Lifestyle you need to overcome these types of fears. Here is how you overcome your fears and make your world the way you want it: