Lifestyle Tip 24 - Success out of Failure - "Creating ...

2010-11-05 15 Did you know that statistically the people who are the best at anything have had the most failures? Let’s look at an example. If you are a reasonable skier you can go from the top of a run to the bottom without falling over. But if that is all you do, you improve very slowly. If however you push yourself to go faster, turn more quickly, do slalom and try jumps you will wipe out many, many times. It is only by trying new moves and failing that you improve. The same is true of just about any endeavor. I will give you a personal example. Last summer our family went camping by a river with a big swimming hole and a long high rope swing. Most people swung out and dropped feet first into the river. But I was determined to do a full back flip. I failed over and over while I tried different techniques. I landed on my back, my ear (that hurt) and countless undignified big ugly splashes. But finally on the third day I mastered it. People even clapped when I did it. But it was only because I had failed again and again.

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