Indigenous people speak out about gold mining in Alaska ...

2010-11-05 84

The proposed Pebble Mine, located in Bristol Bay’s headwaters, has mobilized extraordinarily diverse and determined opposition. In Alaska, where support for resource development ranks high, the depth and breadth of the opposition is remarkable, encompassing an unprecedented group including commercial, sport and subsistence fishing interests, seafood chefs, outdoor retailers, local elected officials and conservationists. Together the organizations that oppose Pebble mine and support Bristol Bay protection have memberships numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Most notable among them are the local Alaska Natives who live in the region. Polls have consistently shown that an overwhelming majority of Bristol Bay residents oppose the mine. According to a 2008 survey conducted on behalf of Nunamta Aulukestai (Caretakers of the Land), more than 75 percent of Bristol Bay residents, among them Alaska Natives whose families have lived in the region for generations, oppose or strongly oppose the mine’s construction.