Woman jailed for life for Timms murder bid

2010-11-03 13

A student who tried to murder a Labour MP after being inspired by a radical al Qaida cleric linked to the air cargo bomb plot has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 15 years

Roshonara Choudhry, 21, stabbed Stephen Timms twice in the stomach after watching online jihadi sermons by US-born extremist Anwar al-Awlaki.

Her attack on the former Treasury minister is thought to be the first al Qaida-inspired attempt to assassinate a politician on British soil.

She knifed East Ham MP Mr Timms as he held a constituency surgery at the Beckton Globe community centre in east London on May 14, smiling and pretending she was going to shake hands with him before plunging the knife into his body.

After being disarmed by the politician's assistant and held by a security guard, she was arrested and told detectives the stabbing was "punishment" and "to get revenge for the people of Iraq", the Old Bailey heard.

Another knife was found in her bag which she said she had planned to use if the first one broke.

She had also drawn up a list of other MPs who had voted in support of the military action in Iraq.

Choudhry, of Central Park Road, East Ham, east London, was found guilty of attempted murder and two counts of having an offensive weapon.

Mr Timms, 55, has since made a full recovery and gave evidence at the trial.

Mr Justice Cooke, sentencing Choudhry, said: "You said you ruined the rest of your life. You said it was worth it. You said you wanted to be a martyr."

The judge said Choudhry would continue to be a danger to Members of Parliament for the foreseeable future.

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