Anti-Government Red Shirts Rally in Bangkok

2010-11-01 48

Hundreds of protesters call for the release of comrades imprisoned following spring protests. The anit-government "Red Shirts" are calling for immediate elections.

Protesters lie down in the streets of Thailand, pretending to be dead bodies as they demand the release of those detained after a military crackdown.

About 300 anti-government red-shirts rallied in Bangkok Sunday.

Police patrolled the area, hoping to avoid a repeat of the violent spring protests when 91 died and 2,000 were injured.

The Red Sunday leader said the group is demonstrating on behalf of imprisoned comrades.

[Sombat Boonngarm-Anong, Red Sunday Group Leader]:
"This activity is to raise the issue on political prisoners - that in Thailand the prisoners who cannot be granted bail are those who have different ideas on politics. In our opinion, we believe that the red-shirt protesters are victims and we are the ones who get detained."

About 50 people also set off on a 1,700-kilometer bike tour from Bangkok to garner support.

The working-class red shirts say the military-backed government is undermining democracy and are calling for immediate elections.

Bangkok has been in a state of emergency since the April and May clashes.

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