Fish Deaths Worry Environmentalists in Gwalior, India

2010-10-28 239

Environmentalists and officials in central India are investigating the mysterious deaths of fish in the historical Janak Lake. They believe that chemicals from paint that were put in the lake are the main cause.

Mysterious fish deaths in the historical Janak Lake in central India have caused concern for environmentalists and local officials.

Officials say chemicals from paint are to blame.

[Rajesh Pathak, Local Fish Inspector]:
"We were informed about these fish deaths and we investigated. We have found that a major cause of these deaths is due to the immersion of idols of Indian gods and goddesses in the lake during the festivities. The chemicals used in the paints have dissolved in the water, reducing the oxygen level in the lake."

Idol-makers use toxic paints to color the statues that leach from them and mix in the lake's waters, killing the fish and other aquatic life.

A lawmaker in Gwalior City appealed to idol-makers to use eco-friendly paints.

[Yashodhara Raje Scindia, Gwalior City Lawmaker]:
"I appeal to the idol-makers to stop using hazardous paints in coloring the idols. We are giving so much stress to the environment, and this is a major event where the environment is being compromised.”

Hindus across India celebrate various religious festivals in September and October.

Environmentalists say modern paints contain metals like mercury, cadmium and lead, which can be passed up through the food chain from fish to human beings.

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