2010-10-17 1st Live Journal, Mayan day 1 Seed or Lizard ♥ "TRANSCRIPT:" http://www.scribd.com/doc/39539157 ♥ iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 ♥ Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: Well, though I had determined I wouldn’t be recording today - well, I guess I was wrong. When heart flows that way - when it grows heavy with something or another - that’s time to go journal, so this is another chatty one - nothing particularly divine ;) I share my path or way that has led me here - some of the daily realities from behind the scenes. You’ll learn what a truly terrible housekeeper I can be, and what is behind that (at least as far as I can see). You’ll learn a bit more about what is disabled about this body, and the effect that has had both as my path, and on my path, as I’ve been given some insight into that. What I came to share in this journal, though, was about self-love - how that looks in my life. This is something we see little example of in life - who is taught to really Love and be kind to the self? I don’t know any but one, whom I knew as a young teen. You’ll hear me share how recent my coming together has been - only a couple of years at the most. I speak of what I saw and found in the teachings of Eckhart Tolle - how I discovered him via the Opray webcast. I share the effect his teachings - which part of them - had on my life. In my own way, I came to sit under my own bo tree - here on my bed. I share a bit of that - some of what it is like from this perspective. You can see where it led in the journals online. This is just what was going on, back behind the scenes... Distributed by Tubemogul.