Life as a Multi-dimensional Zoo - Taking the Dark with ...

2010-10-18 22

200-08-21 2nd journal, Mayan day 9 Deer or Hand ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: Shall we go back to the idea that life is a zoo? Or rather, that your physicality, there - your body-mind being - that is a zoo as well. It really is, in a way. Much life lives there - more than we know takes its life from our life - from the existence of this - the body-mind being in 3D. Well, we exist on the other dimensions as well. We’re all multidimensional beings. We may not be fully or even marginally aware of our being, other-dimensionally, but we can visit it at times. I know I have. And it’s amazing. But back to the zoo thing. Where am i going with that? Well, everyone is waking up, everywhere. As we awaken, our senses heighten. That sixth sense really begins kicking in, and if everything is this total mystery to us, then we’re liable to run up against some things that shake us up a good bit - and that’s not necessary. Better to know - that eases the transition... Distributed by Tubemogul.