Breaking Control Dramas (Part 1 of 7) Why we use Control

2010-10-16 96 Workshop #2 provides a comprehensive understanding of how breaking control dramas can accelerate your ability to manifest positive experiences. You will learn the four basic control dramas, how to recognize them and how to rid them from your life. This workshop will answer the questions of why people use control dramas, where we learned them, why we get caught in them, and how to break them permanently. You will be given exercises and tools that you can apply in every day experiences and see immediate results. You will also learn how we have been programmed from birth to use control dramas to take energy from others and why we can get drained of energy when we get caught in control dramas. This video focuses on defining the four control dramas; how they are related to one another and trigger each other; why we have come to use and depend on control dramas for our very existence.

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