Chinese Political Prisoner Liu Xiaobo Wins Peace Nobel Prize

2010-10-16 78

Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo endorsed by Human Rights rganizations as AI all over the world while his trial last year with a verdict sentencing him to 11 years of jail won him Nobel Peace Prize. Amnesty International China Researcher, Corinna-Barbara Francis describes Liu Xiaobo as a vioce and conscience for Chinese civil society. "Liu Xiaobo should not be in prison. Anyone who just speaks out, expresses their opinions, their political opinions and who are completely non-violent should be released. View vitruvius!/vitruvius After visiting her husband in jail Liu Hia Liu Xiabo's wife twits her house arrest @liuxia64 兄弟们,我回来了,八号我就被软禁了,不知何时见到大家,我的手机被搞坏,我无法接打电话。见过晓波,监狱在9号晚告诉他得奖的消息。以后的事慢慢说。请大家帮我推。谢谢
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