NO COMPLAINTS Beaverton Hyundai

2010-10-15 20

......MEANS EVERYTHING...... We want to thank Beaverton Hyundai sincerely for your support for our program as well as for any others you're involved in. It means everything to our kids to have your support. We truly couldn't do it without you! Beaverton Hyundai Your generosity is apprecited by all.

EXCEPTIONAL WORK!! I think good employees need to be recognized and rewarded (by clients)for their exceptional work, and that's why I've written to let you know about my experience with your staff at Beaverton Hyundai. I LOVE DRIVING MY NEW SUV!!!

......QUALITY OF LIFE...... Thank You For your support of the 2008 Light The Night Walk and most importantly for helping us in our mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma and improve the quality of life of patients and their families!