Rajab Event 2010 - Talk 2 - The Fiqh of Khilafah

2010-10-11 1

Rajab Event 2010 - Talk 2 - The Fiqh of Khilafah

Rajab is one of the months of Allah Ta’ala – known as one of the four sacred months. It is the month when many Muslims remember one of the greatest events in history the blessed night journey of the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) – al Israa wa Meraaj.

But it is also the month which commemorates one of the saddest days in our history – for it was the 28th Rajab that the last Khilafah was abolished by a decision in the National Assembly in Ankara – 89 years ago according to the Hijri calendar and the Muslim Ummah lost her leadership.

Every year Hizb ut-Tahrir uses the anniversary of this event to focus the Muslims around the world on to their vital issue, the mother of all faraid – the Khilafah. Before that time the Ummah had dignity and led the world in many matters. After that time, the Ummah has been divided and humiliated; and the world has been a more unstable, dangerous and unjust place as a consequence.