Halloween Zombie Chest Impaling : BFX: DIY

2010-10-11 2

Ever wonder what it would look like if you impaled one of your friends? If so, you're a sick person. But also, in luck! Zack shows you how to make an incredibly simple, yet fantastic looking chest impaled effect! Tune in tomorrow for the test film!Indy Mogul's Backyard FX features cheap, DIY filmmaking tips and tutorials including special effects, props, and camera equipment.  'Build' episodes on Mondays and 'Original Short' test films on Tuesdays featuring the build.  Website:  http://www.indymogul.comSubmit:  http://www.indymogul.com/submitTwitter:  http://www.twitter.com/indymogulFacebook:  http://www.facebook.com/indymogul