Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven" Cecil Cravens

2010-10-08 217

To purchase the complete cd album unabridged contact cecilcravens@yahoo.com or download from http://www.digstation.com/AlbumDetails.aspx?albumid=ALB000046450.

" Cecil Cravens has set 'The Raven" to music as Poe wrote the text. He has let the poem set the parameters of the melody rather than altering the text to fit a musical form. Cravensacknowledges the Gothic mood of "The Raven" while working within the tradition of country music to produce a style he calls "Gothabilly." This musical form results in a faithful presentation of the text without the artificial stress or disruption created by earlier attempts."

Harry Lee Poe
President, Poe Museum--Richmond, Virginia