The episode 24 exposes undeniable connexions between Maitreya/Satan and the major hollywood Sagas: Star Wars, Alice in Wonderland, Alien, Terminator, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter.
Not only the stories told by these movies are actually parables and mind programming for the masses, but those who have directed these films are also directly related to Satan. Whether they are aware of it or not, they are just puppets between the hands of Satan.
Satan has deceived many of us, he may appear under many angelic/divine forms, but you can recognize him by his fruits. An authentic messenger of God cannot command the people to disobey God or order them to take patrons besides God.
I fairly advocate you to come back to God, to build your own relationship on the basis of the Koran, you need no scholars, no teachers,... but only God and his perfect Koran, that's FAR enough to provide any answer.