Fire River Gold Corp. - TSX.V: FAU - News Update

2010-10-04 94

After acquiring the Nixon Fork Gold Mine in west-central Alaska just 13 months ago, Fire River Gold Corp. has been aggressively moving the project forward toward the company's ultimate goal of resuming production at the high-grade gold mine within the next 12 months.

With about $11 million in the bank, the company has just completed an extensive geological re-evaluation program which included re-logging and re-sampling the previous operator's core. This will provide the company with enough data to prepare an updated NI-43-101 compliant resource estimate. This estimate is expected to be released in September. In addition, a PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment) is also in the works. That study is expected to be released on the coat-tails of another updated resource estimate later this year that will be based on the inclusion of a new surface and underground drill program of up to 28,000 metres that is currently underway.