StarCraft 2 Gameplay Terran - 2 Barracks FE With Early ...

2010-10-04 318 Learn very effective SC2 strategies and start winning almost all of your matches! (10) Supply Depot (12) Barracks (13) Refinery (16) Orbital Command (17) Barracks (27) Concussive Shell Upgrade (33) Reactor - 2nd Barracks (34) Command Center (41) Barracks - This build allows you to provide an offensive defense for your fast expansion via early pressure from 2 Barracks. - Push out when you have your Concussive Shell research, at that point you also are going to want to drop your expansion. - If you are able to break into his base and don't get force fielded out, continue pressure by rallying additional troops. If you do not take him out early you have bought enough time to safely expand and begin saturation. Thanks to ForceSC2Strategy for this great video