Bosnia-Herzegovina Holds Crucial Elections

2010-10-04 95

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbs, Muslims, and Croats are voting in an election that will decide whether the country moves forward, or remains locked in existing divisions. Here's more.

Bosnian Serbs, Muslims, and Croats head to the polls in a crucial parliamentary election that could determine the country's future.

The outcome may show whether the ethnically divided country can break a reform deadlock, or sink deeper into division.

Political mistrust has pushed the country's two regions -- the Muslim-Croat federation and Serb Republic -- further apart.

Five previous general elections have done little to spur Bosnia's government or economy forward.

Still, some early voters were optimistic about the future.

[Nada Petrovic]
"It will be better. We had a difficult past and I never lost the faith. I believe it will be better.

Among those voting Sunday were candidates from all sides, most of whom also spoke of optimism.

Bosnia Serb leader Milorad Dodik called for reconciliation -- or risk secession.

[Milorad Dodik, Bosnia Serb Leader]
"I wish everyone tried to preserve Yugoslavia as they are now trying to preserve Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bosnia-Herzegovina is a country full of absurdities -- a country without compromises. Either we will be able to reach a compromise and some balance, or we will have to go for another option -- and that is to peacefully separate and live next to each other, and develop civilized relations."

In the years following the 1992 to 1995 war, which killed about 100,000 people, Bosnia has struggled with corruption and a bloated bureaucracy.

The country remains at the end of the list of countries looking to join NATO and the European Union.

Most opinion polls say the current leaders will be re-elected, but with weaker support.

This atmosphere may force them to form coalitions with reformist parties.

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