San Diego Cycling Accidents Happen Despite Bicycle ...

2010-10-02 30

According to San Diego Bicycle Injury Attorney Mark C. Blane, many residents of San Diego enjoy the outdoors, and many of them bicycle; unfortunately, even with bicycle lanes along many of its roads, San Diego cycling accidents occur quite frequently. The Law Offices of Mark C. Blane encourage California motorists to be aware of cyclists rights and share the road. Because bicycles lack the protection that a car provides, those involved in a cycling accident can be badly injured. This can result in serious legal and medical consequences for all parties involved in a cycling accident. If you have been involved in a cycling accident, San Diego bicycle accident attorney Mark C. Blane can answer your questions. Call him toll free today at 888-845-6269, or visit his website at, where you can order a FREE copy of his book, California Personal Injury Guide: The Ten Secrets You Need To Know About Your Injury Claim, BEFORE You Call A Lawyer. Website: Hablamos Español.