California Dog Bites Are Strict Liability Cases by San ...

2010-10-02 43

According to San Diego Dog Bite Attorney Mark C. Blane, even though California does have a leash law for dogs, dog bites and animal attacks still occur at alarming rates; in fact, statistics for children under 12 have been showing some signs of increase in recent years regarding dangerous encounters with a dog or animal. Under California law, you do not have to prove negligence in a dog bite case, but only that the dog bite occurred. This is known as "Strict Liability." As with all injury cases, the best way to prove the injuries is with good and consistent medical documentation. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a dog bite, contact San Diego dog bite attorney Mark C. Blane to handle your case. Call toll free today at 888-845-6269, or visit his website, where you can order a FREE copy of his book, California Personal Injury Guide: The Ten Secrets You Need To Know About Your Injury Claim, BEFORE You Call A Lawyer. Website: Hablamos Español.