San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney Mark C. Blane helps the elderly with abuse and Nursing Home Negligence. Unfortunately, elder and nursing home abuse is a problem prevalent not only in California, but in the entire United States. As with any form of abuse, it is devastating both physically and emotionally, not only to the victim, but also to their family. Nursing home abuse can occur as a result of lack of facilities, lack of staffing, or negligence on the part of a nursing home worker. Whatever the case, victims of, or those who may think they may be a victim of nursing home abuse do not have to suffer in silence. For more information on nursing home abuse, or to hire an attorney, contact San Diego nursing home abuse lawyer Mark C. Blane. Call toll free today at 888-845-6269 or visit his website, where you can order a FREE copy of his book, California Personal Injury Guide: The Ten Secrets You Need To Know About Your Injury Claim, BEFORE You Call A Lawyer. Website: Hablamos Español.