Colombian Bullfight Turns Tragic

2010-09-29 1,458

A local Colombian bullfight spins out of control, resulting in three deaths and 37 injuries. Officials blame drunkenness for the accident.

A bullfight spins out of control in Colombia leaving three dead and 37 injured.

Many spectators found themselves gored by bulls' horns after spilling into the ring.

A 20-year-old man died on scene while two others in their 40s died in hospital.

This doctor treated some of the patients.

[Dr. Jaime De La Hoz, Sabanalarga Hospital]:
"The others who were injured had been penetrated at the level of their abdomen and their thorax. The one with the thorax had to be sent to another facility, and the one with the abdominal injury was treated here."

Locals gather in the Andean community of Sabanalarga for the annual fight known as corraleja.

Officials blamed this year's tragic bullfight on drunkenness.

They wouldn't say though if anything would be done to prevent such incidents in the future.

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