Order No# LG101
In Stock : Yes
Order Link: http://www.hgtuning.com
Manufacturer Info
* It is made up of the most durable polycarbonate.
* It is illuminated by 92 special designed waterproof leds.
* Product Reliability Principals have been considered in the fabrication period.
* It definitely won’t be affected by wind or rain. It works only with 12 V which is equal to the energy amount your tail lamps use.
That’s why, it has been generated in such a way that it won’t harm your car’s original electricity output.
Special Offers
10 items = 3£ - 5$ discount.
20 items = 6£ - 8$ discount
50 items = 15£-20$ discount.
PS: If you want to buy 50 items or more, you’ll have a special discount. Please get in touch..