Artist Ferris Plock Interview - Shooting Gallery - Warholian

2010-09-15 32 San Francisco based artist Ferris Plock has been creating intriguing images and characters for a number of years now. They embue a blend of Richard Scary, Samurai aesthetics, and patterning that take fine art to a level all their own. His paintings take on a whimsical feel and leave the viewer wanting more. This interview was conducting in hopes to help promote his show at Shooting Gallery SF entitled Rest for the Wicked... but we almost lost the footage entirely due to a number of hard drive failures. Sorry Ferris, fate was unkind to your interview. :( BUT! The footage was resurrected through the magic of 3rd party software, sheer determination, and has been edited for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy a brief history of Ferris Plock. - Warholian