Achilles Stretch, Leaning Heel-back Achilles Stretch Video

2010-09-14 234

Watch the leaning heel-back Achilles stretch video to improve your Achilles flexibility and relieve tight calf and Achilles muscles.

How to do the Leaning Heel-back Achilles Stretch: Stand upright while leaning against a wall and place one foot behind the other. Make sure that both toes are facing forward and your heel is on the ground. Bend your back leg and lean towards the wall. Make sure the toes of your back leg are facing forward. Letting your toes point to one side will cause this stretch to put uneven tension on the calf muscles. Over an extended period of time, this could lead to a muscle imbalance. Regulate the intensity of this stretch by lowering your body. Hold the stretch position for a minimum of 20 seconds and then repeat with the opposite leg.

For more videos of Achilles stretching exercises, visit...